Bourbon vs. Whiskey
Whiskey is one of the most beloved spirits worldwide, with a rich history and a broad range of varieties. Among the most popular types are bourbon whiskey and other whiskeys, often thought of as one and the same. However, while both are types of whiskey, they have distinct characteristics, origins, and production processes. In this blog post, we’ll break down the differences between bourbon whiskey and other types of whiskey, from how they’re made to their origins, and help you understand their unique flavors and preferences.
What Is Whiskey?
Whiskey is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash. The grains used in whiskey production can include barley, corn, rye, and wheat. The distillation process involves heating the fermented grains to produce alcohol, which is then aged in wooden barrels (usually oak). Whiskey is an umbrella term that covers various styles and types, including the best whiskey varieties such as Scotch, Irish whiskey, Canadian whisky, and, of course, bourbon whiskey.
What Is Bourbon?
Bourbon is a specific type of whiskey, but not all whiskeys are bourbon. The key differentiating factor lies in the regulations governing its production. Bourbon must meet several criteria that give it a unique flavor profile and identity, making it a contender for the best bourbon on the market.
Legal Definition of Bourbon
For a whiskey to be considered bourbon, it must adhere to specific rules set by the U.S. government. These include:
Made in the United States: Bourbon must be produced in the United States. While many associate bourbon with Kentucky, it can technically be made anywhere in the U.S.
Mash Bill: Bourbon must be made from a grain mixture that is at least 51% corn. This high corn content gives bourbon its sweet and rich flavor, distinguishing it from other bourbon drinks and whiskeys.
Aging: Bourbon must be aged in new, charred oak barrels. The charring process caramelizes the wood’s sugars and imparts unique flavors to the whiskey.
Distillation and Bottling Strength: Bourbon must be distilled to no more than 160 proof (80% alcohol by volume) and must be put into the barrel for aging at no more than 125 proof (62.5% alcohol by volume). When bottled, bourbon must be at least 80 proof (40% alcohol by volume).
These rules create a whiskey with a distinct profile, often considered the best bourbon for its characteristic sweetness and rich flavors.
Whiskey vs. Bourbon: Key Differences
While bourbon is a type of whiskey, there are several key differences between the two. Here’s how whiskey and bourbon compare:
Grain Composition (Mash Bill)
Bourbon: The defining feature of bourbon is that its mash bill must contain at least 51% corn. The remaining 49% can consist of other grains like rye, barley, or wheat, depending on the desired flavor.
Whiskey: Whiskey, as a general category, can be made from a variety of grains, leading to diverse flavor profiles, including those found in the best whiskey selections worldwide.
Location of Production
Bourbon: Bourbon is a uniquely American spirit, with Kentucky being home to over 95% of its production.
Whiskey: Whiskey, on the other hand, is produced globally, from Scotland’s Scotch to Japan’s renowned varieties.
Aging Process
Flavor Profile
Bourbon: Known for its sweet, full-bodied flavor, making it a staple in the best bourbon cocktails like the Old Fashioned.
Whiskey: Offers a broader range of flavors, from smoky Scotch to spicy rye.
Popular Preferences and Global Appeal
Bourbon: Its rich sweetness and smooth finish make it a favorite for those who enjoy bourbon drinks or seek the best bourbon for sipping.
Whiskey: With diverse options, whiskey appeals to a broader audience, offering something for everyone, from the peaty notes of Scotch to the spicy kick of rye.
Conclusion: Bourbon vs. Whiskey
In summary, while bourbon is a type of whiskey, its distinct characteristics and production methods set it apart, often earning it a spot as the best bourbon for many enthusiasts. Whether you prefer the sweetness of bourbon or the complexity of other best whiskey options, both spirits provide a world of flavors to explore.